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The first step in applying to the WDWIP is to educate yourself about the program.   That is what this website is for.  Before you even think of applying, read all the sections on the Recruiting side and check out the Virtual Leaving Book forum for an Alumni viewpoint.  If you have any questions, post them to the forum and they will be answered shortly.  You can also send email (the address is on the front page).

Once you have determined that the program is for you, make sure you are qualified.  As explained in the first section, the minimum qualifications to be considered are as follows:

ball18.gif (988 bytes) Minimum 18 years of age

ball18.gif (988 bytes)Authentic representation of Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, the United Kingdom or Sub-Saharan Africa

ball18.gif (988 bytes)Good conversational English

ball18.gif (988 bytes)Outgoing, enthusiastic and flexible

ball18.gif (988 bytes)Willingness to share a room with someone from a different country

There are other qualifications depending on which program you are interested in, and of course these are only minimums.  Your chances of getting in are dependent on many other attributes and skills.

Finally, if you have absolutely, definitely, positively, totally checked everything out and you think that Disney is right for you, and you are right for Disney, follow these directions:

1. Click on the APPLICATION graphic below.

2. Once open, select print from your browser's FILE menu.

3. Fill out the Name section of the form, attach to your CV/Resume and cover letter, then send to:

  Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. ball18.gif (988 bytes)  International Recruiting - MKTG      P.O. Box 10,090  ball18.gif (988 bytes)  Lake Buena Vista, FL, USA  32830-0090


Click for Application, then print