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The learning experience differs depending upon which program you are in.  The Cultural Representative program has no structured program, while the Fellowship and Waterpark programs require mandatory participation in weekly classes.  Below is a general outline of the learning experiences available.

Optional Courses

Participants can choose from a wide variety of courses offered at Disney University and the Centers of Excellence.  Many are self-guided and individual, but there are a few comprehensive courses.  Quest for the Best is a Disney bartending course that I recommend to just about anyone.  Lots of training, plenty of 'tasting', and it is taught by just about the best group of facilitators Disney offers (QFB 4 & 5 are taught by Mike - tell him I sent you).  The Disney Trainers course, Performance Theming, Wine 101, and many others round out the offerings.

College Program

The Disney College Program Course is a requirement of all participants in the American WDWCP, and also those in the Waterpark program.  The courses are taught weekly, usually at Vista Way, for about three months.  They are described as 'business seminars', and you are taught the basics of WDW management and business philosophy, plus some individual development skills.  Participants in other International Programs may also take the College Program courses, if space is available.  But beware - attendance is mandatory, and missing too many classes can result in termination from the program!

Fellowship Program

I really should leave it up to a helpful Fellowship Alumni to fill in this section, but here is w brief overview.  The weekly seminars teach many of the same elements as the College Program, but with an added cultural component.  The Fellowship participants from each country prepare a presentation on the culture of that country which can include music, performances, food, and much more - they typically last many hours and are presented to International Programs management and other Fellowship participants.


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