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This page is a collection of photos from the various reunions and get-togethers that us Almuni tend to hold on a regular basis.  If you have any pics that would be a good addition to this page, please email them to me!


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Norway - January 1999.  Kim Andre's leaving party Ottawa - February 1999.  Shannon looking very happy with her new boy Ottawa - February 1999.  Stephanie looking happy without a new boy Ottawa - February 1999.  Kelly and I surviving the cold Florida - February 1999.  Granny, Sarah, and Marianne return to the cellar
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Florida - February 1999.  Sarah and Marianne in the new Le Cell Florida - February 1999.  Trent with Sarah and Angela Toronto - February 1999.   Mark and Nathan on the Visitors bench at the last game at Maple
Leaf Gardens
Florida - November
.   Left to right, Sandi, Doug, Sarah Jane, Candace, on the way to PI.
Ottawa - Feb. 1999. Doug and SJ on their way out to see
Electric Circus on Parliament Hill. ("Not as exciting
as we thought it might be").
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Ottawa Sun - April 1999

Remember Mike Brennan?  Sarah said something about 'Jam'? 

Sven's leaving party in famous 606.
"I think it's an important thing to have a picture taken with security on it and
a bpttle of beer in my hand with me being only 20 years old. So much about
Florida laws."


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