You have probably already seen it, but this great forward is just too true to resist posting. Thanks to Michelle and Jenn for forwarding it! |
1) you must be able to understand all foreign can't get away with a simple smile and nod
2) you must be able to sprint 50 yds while being chased by
a group of people waving a flag and wearing the same colored t-shirt
3) you must keep smiling while someone screams at you over
something that you cant do anything about
4) you must know where everything is in central
Florida....especially Splendid China.
5) you must know where everyone's hotel is and how they get
back to it regardless if its a Disney resort or not. This can be
tricky when the guest tells you "I got off the bus right here"
6) you must be able to spot all hidden mickeys and realize
that just because there are 3 circles in the same area does not
make it a hidden mickey.
7) you must be able to yell "Excuse Me Folks" and push a
large cart full of ice cream bars and dry ice through a small mob
8) you must be able to spot a cigarette butt at 100 paces
9) learn the finesse of protein spill art
10) be willing to have your blood tested and DNA cataloged
just so you can get into your place of residency
12) be able to control your temper when one roommate might
like a desert climate and another one a sub-arctic climate
13) be ok with the fact that you may be the only one who is
speaking english on the bus from epcot
14) keep hundreds of people from crossing in front of
floats that weigh a couple of tons and whose drivers can barely see
15) be able to use many rolls of masking tape to put up a
barrier that keeps people away from danger
16) "No Flash Photography" translates into "Take As
Pictures As You Possibly Can" in many foreign languages.
You must be able to state which languages.
17) Understand and be able to explain that "the big golf
ball" was never in Tomorrowland
18) Be able to console the die-hard Michael Jackson Fans
after they find out that Captain EO is no longer being shown
19) Know that when standing at the American Adventure the
quickest way to get to the front of the park would be to
swim across the lagoon since the walk is about the same if you go towards
Italy or Japan.
20) Be able to tell where Pocahontas is at any given moment
21) Be able to find on a map exactly where ZephyrHills is
24) Realize that if you are really, really, really drunk it
is not a wise idea to go onto the dance floor at Mannequins
25) Be OK with the fact that you are not going to have
weekends nor is it very likely that your schedule will remain
the same week after week
26) Be able to pace the number of times you call in sick so
that you won't get terminated
27) Be able to tell someone with a straight face that age
old Three O'Clock Parade reply
28) Be able to talk non-stop for hours while floating through a
31) Be able to calculate double time and time and a half
using the nice low number 5.60
32) Be able to say "Please Watch Your Step" and "How
in Your Party" in as many ways as possible so that you do not
grow bored.
33) be able to tell what the following initials stand for:
34) Be able to take a good picture for your ID
35) Be able to navigate through smelly tunnels
36) Realize that if you work in the Magic Kingdom there is
a chance that you may never see the sun
37) Be able to smile all day long even while wearing polyester
38) Be able to not get freaked out when you walk past the Zoo
39) Realize that Main Street is a long walk from wardrobe
especially when you are late
40) Know that Fishtale Freddie, Lucy Bluz, Jungle Jim,
Phineous Phogg, Rosie O' Grady, and Johnny Rocket are not Disney characters
41) Realize that Vista Way Aint What It Used to Be